District 1 FAQs
How do I report non-emergency issues concerning pothole repairs, blocked storm drains, broken traffic signals, etc.?
There are a few ways to do that. Dial 205.254.2489, or use The My Bham 311 App.
My Bham 311 helps residents quickly report non-emergency issues, such as street maintenance, garbage pickup, recycling problems, and more. To register, visit www.birminghamal.gov/311 and click on the box that says, “311 Request.”
When submitting a complaint online or the app, be sure that you have a registered account (instructions are available on the 311 site). For the fastest service, have the following information ready:
Location of the problem
Description of the problem
How long has the problem existed
Your contact information
How do I report an emergency in District 1?
If you have a police, fire, or medical emergency, call 911 immediately.
How do I report a code violation in my neighborhood?
Dial 311 or use the My Bham 311 app to report violations.
For a detailed review of code violations and what to expect after reporting, visit the PEP Code Enforcement Division website https://www.birminghamal.gov/code-enforcement/.
Where can I find household garbage pickup information?
Visit https://www.birminghamal.gov/pickup for detailed information about uniform/household garbage pickup, including holiday makeup schedules, garbage cart applications, pickup guidelines, contact information and more.
Where can I find bulk trash and brush pickup information?
Bulk trash and brush schedules are updated monthly and can be accessed at https://www.birminghamal.gov/bulktrash.
How can I report or resolve issues concerning missed trash or brush pickup?
Missed trash and brush pickups should be reported to 311 and/or seeclickfix.com (via the web or app) as soon as possible. Outstanding case numbers can be sent to bhmdistrict1@gmail.com with subject line: Missed T/B.
What are the locations and instructions for recycling in District 1?
Check out these locations for Birmingham recycling drop-off:
Remember: recyclables that are accepted include Number 1 ; 2 plastics, aluminum and steel cans, and old newspapers. For more information, visit https://www.birminghamal.gov/recycle.
Where can I find a map of District 1 (and other Birmingham locations)?
To find out what district you live in and who represents your district, please enter your address in the interactive map here: https://www.birminghamalcitycouncil.org/residents/find-your-district/
Are there any other important numbers or resources I should know?
Birmingham Fire & Rescue:
Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency: (205) 254-2995
Fax: (205) 254-7440
For additional F&R departments visit https://fire.birminghamal.gov/contact/.
Birmingham Police Department, East Precinct:
Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency: 205-254-2685
Visit their website at https://police.birminghamal.gov
Animal Control: 205-254-6314
Crimestoppers: 205-254-7777 or visit https://crimestoppersmetroal.org
For a searchable City of Birmingham directory, visit https://www.birminghamal.gov/city-directory/
205-254-CITY - call for trash pickup day
https://www.birminghamal.gov/bulktrash - find bulk trash info
https://www.birminghamal.gov/311 - to report an issue - encourage them to download app
205-254-2000 - birmingham city hall